Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This week's assignment is repetition. 
I found these pictures to be very cool
 This picture is by Janet Leadbeater of Market Tomatoes. It looks so pretty and shiny! Some of the tomatoes are a little off, but it's still a repeating pattern of tomatoes. 
 This picture is by Sheila Paras. This reminds me of my picture of the red chairs I took while I was at Millenium Park in Chicago. It's very mono-toned. I think it works for this picture though.
Lastly, this picture is by Cybergabi. I think it's cute how the seagulls are standing in a line at the edge of the  thing.

All photos are from Flickr and are clickable.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Going down and around o-o...

The assignment this week is stripes and spirals. I found these photos interesting.

This picture is by Tamelyn Feinstein. I like this photo because the peppermint is surrounded by solid colored candies. 

This picture is by Freek van der Bergh [Is that really their name??? Lol] This picture is sooo awesome. It's a rainbow :]

This picture is by Mortaric. The orange peel in a spiral is very pretty. And I love that the orange stands out from the background. 

All pictures are clickable and are from Flickr.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Indubitally Egg-Cellent

These are my egg photos :]


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This week, my assignment is eggs. Yum

This picture is by tednmiki. I like the close up of the eggs and the shallow depth of field. Plus, I can see people in the yolk. That's cool :]
This picture is by pangpong[bz] and it has got to be one of the cutest pictures EVER! It's so adorable. I just love it ^^

This picture is by Mark Watson. This gave me an idea to show how eggs look when they break. It's cool that he got a picture of a bullet going through an egg though.

All pictures are clickable :]
All are from flickr.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ad & Fashion Photos

These are my photos I shot and edited over the weekend for the Ad and Fashion assignment.

Wineee :]


Cheese and Crackers for that Wineee

Caramel Apples


Monday, October 4, 2010

Advertisement Ideas

So the next project is Advertisement/Fashion
I found some lovely ideas on Flickr.

This picture is by bananagranola.
I love the clean and neat set up of the dessert pockys
This picture is by speedM.
It's not so much about the set up for this picture, but the concept.
Everybody knows that cookies and milk always go together.
This picture is by JenniPenni.
I love the concept for this one as well.
She called it "Two-Faced"
Seeing this picture actually gave me a nifty idea.

I hope I can create wonderful pictures as these.

-all pictures are clickable-


Thursday, September 30, 2010


Unfortunately for me, my pictures didn't come out as planned.
AND I had some troubles... I accidently formatted my memory card without taking ALL of the pictures off. Ugh.

Anyways here are the pictures I managed to rummage. :P

I'm not happy with these...


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

.Time Exposure Ideas.

This week's project is time exposure.
These are some pictures that will be inspiring my pictures.

This picture is by Dan DeChiaro on Flickr. This picture gave me the idea of having a light shower. 
I'm not sure if the guy had hot pieces of metal welding falling on him or not, but this is very neat. Unlike the other two photos, this photo is colored.
This picture, the user name is weird and there was no real name given, but it was in the Getty Images collection.  I love how the cell phone numbers are like 3-D.
This photo is by Rich Johnson. It's such an awesome photo. It seems so simple in a way. Like, someone is just pouring some wine for the person holding the glass. 

All pictures are clickable :]


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skyscrapers, Abondoned Places, and Signs?

This is my lovely architecture project
I have some pictures from the summer when I was in Chicago. :]