Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gallery Night- Time to Shine :]

Oh Em Gee :] Gallery Night is coming!!! I'm really excited ^-^
I have two of my pictures showing. That's super awesome. Last year, I only had one picture entered into the gallery. But this year, [with the help of Mrs. Ellman] I got two pictures in.
I had submittd 4 flower pictures because I was thinking about theme, guess I was wrong to do that. Haha

Well, the gallery will be at Marty Seybold's place which is at
4204 S.W. Green Oaks Suite 100, Arlington, TX
The gallery will be on Wednesday, April 21st at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

The place is sort of behind a Wal-Greens. I got lost the first time getting there. Hahaha. Well, here's a map if you need it :)

The gallery will show VERY AWESOME pictures from many people. And you get a chance to bid on your favorite photo!!! The money we raise from our auction will go to the American Cancer Society [which like every club in school is trying to raise money for, haha.]

I feel that donating to the American Cancer Society is one of the best choice not only because it's almost like anything in your body can get cancer and that approximately 1.4 million people in the US get diagnosed with cancer each year AND there's like a gazillion different types of cancers you can have in your body,
but also it's because not too long ago, I found out that my very dear friend I knew since 1st grade had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She knew it was coming since it was passed down from mother to daughter. I don't know all the details, but she's a strong girl and I wish the best for her. Love you, Linda N!

So I hope to see lots of people there, helping us with a great cause and having fun. There will be yummilicious food. [You totally have to go now. Lol]


1 comment:

Anthony Pham said...

if this was facebook i would LIKE this :D i like it its very simple and short JK