So the first two portraits are of Alexis and Olivia.
Both Alexis and Olivia were being photographed by Cortez. He's super tall. I'm super short. It took me a while to actually get a nice picture.. ish.
The next photograph is of me. It's puuury lame, but I took the concept of having a line going diagonally on the photo with trees somewhere in the picture. Haha
Not much to say about this picture...
These last few pictures are of a GIGANTIC marble I found in my house. These were quite fun to shoot.
If something is far away, then it's upside down in the marble, but if it's just pressed up against it, the marble is a magnifying glass. o:
The portraits of the ring is almost like a self portrait, since it's my class ring, teehee.
So yeahhh. Those are my photos for our very first assignment.
Unfortunately my internet died yesterday due to my daddy hitting a wire somewhere outside and cutting out our telephone and internet. >< Oh daddy... lol.
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