Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ever been to the Mall?

Has anyone ever seen the mall parking lot empty???

Tuesday morning, Denny's was giving away free Grand Slams, but my brother and I were too late, so while driving around, we decided to stop by the mall to see what it's like without all the cars and people.
I thought it was the most amazing scene. Even when it's a holiday, there are cars in the mall, but it was COMPLETELY empty when we were there... well except for our car of course.

Technically, the mall picture wasn't taken in the weekend, but all the pictures I took over the weekend... well they weren't that great.    

The photo above is from Asia Time Square. Chinese New Years is on Valentine's Day this year. That's awesome.

I don't feel like I've been taking good pictures lately, especially this weekend.
Well tell me how my lame-ish pictures are :]



Martin said...

I like how empty the parking lot, haha. I also like the old man with the really long beard.

Sucks I'm probably not going to Asia Times Square this year D:

Alexis Escobedo Photo Blog said...

very nice vivian. :] it's cool how you turned something we see daily into a really cool photo. :D

James Alan Mulligan said...

I've only seen an mall parking lot ONCE and even then it was around the middle of the night. However, for you to see one in the morning when things are probably going to start up is good.