Friday, February 26, 2010

Through the peeping hole [?]

I think that that picture is AMAZING. What do you think?

While working on this picture, I didn't know what elements I should use, what parts of the pictures I should take, and what the outcome will be. Mrs. Ellman said that it was kinda like an Alice in Wonderland thing [hence the title that's similar to "Through the Looking Glass." Haha...]

There are many things of this picture I like. 
First of all, I LOVE MY SHADOW. It doesn't even correspond with my body. I made it curved, kind of like pain in the stomach. 
Next, I love the tree ALL THE WAY IN THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK! I wonder why it's all the way back there... O-o...
Lastly, I love that there are 3 bodies in the picture... but can YOU find all of them?

I really had fun with this project. I feel that my creativity and "quick thinking" helped me on this one. 
I hope you think the picture is amazing as I think it is.



christina france said...

this picture is so great.
theres so much going on, but its not crowded.
i love it. good job :)

James Alan Mulligan said...

Looks like something one would find on the cover on a book. However, I didn't expect the first and third images to be merged in that way.

Thuy :) said...

wow~ The hole on the wall makes me feel like i can see the future .
<3 cool photo